Thursday, December 10, 2009

Blog 4- Second Life in Education

I have mixed feelings about VR and 3D web mainly because I have seen the side effects of being over involved in the virtual reality world. My initial response is no, it should not be in the classroom. Teachers are working at doing enough to include technology in lesson plans that they should not have to submerse a student into a "video game" to teach. A virtual reality is not safe for the student who has little to no self control and who has a disinterest in learning and more of an interest in video games. If this type of student has access to a "learning tool" like this one the fact that it is even in the classroom will distract them. For these students a VR isn't safe. And what about the students who prefer learning through class lecture? It is engaging, true-very true, but why is it engaging? Because it is more of a video game than an actual learning tool. It should be something for students to do at home or during free time at school, not in place of curriculum. I don't think a teacher can justify taking time away from the curriculum to teach the orientation require to operate SecondLife. There are so many state benchmarks and requirements a teacher has to meet in one year that by spending a week or however long it takes to orient a student with the program, that time will run out to get everything in. Unfortunetly, I do not think this is just a fad. I think it is part of the video game world and more and more people are going to try to push video games into education with the label that it "has educational value" and I don't agree that it should be part of our classrooms. I feel by integrating technology we are supporting our students, but by teaching them to run around and glance at educational items in a video game they will more often than not ignore it.

Thursday, November 12, 2009

Ed 205 Blog Post 3

Build Your Story software was founded in 2003 by a group of teachers and students striving to implement "teaching through personalization". I think this is an effective model because I look at all the things my teachers taught me and it wasn't until something was personalized that it really imprinted in my mind. This software makes a story come to life in the eyes of a child because it uses characters to the students preferences in age, gender, ethnicity, and reading level. Each story is unique to the student and ensures reading comprehension. Build Your Story software has been displayed on CBS Saturday Morning Show and are featured in educational catalogs and bookstores. There are stories that deal with the Creation Story, sports, and what you will be when you grow up. These stories help the development of children to become better readers through positive self esteem and reinforcement. I remember "Storybook Weaver Deluxe" when I was learning to read and write and I think of how valuable it was to my own development of reading and writing.

However, the only question I do have is, are there other books aside from the the three I found listed on the site? I would be interested to see them.

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Ed 205 Blog post

Thursday, October 8, 2009

Ed 205 blog response

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blog #1 -- Online Learning

My impression of online learning thus far is that it is much more organized compared to my previous experiences. I like that there are clear expectations, assignments requirements, and that class started with everyone being aware of it. In my previous online class the class actually started without half the class realizing it. Also, the outlines, requirements, and expectations weren't clearly stated. I've also had classes that meet that had online requirements (i.e. discussion board). I like that the assignments have all their expectations and requirements listed right there. I also like that my professor is so quick to answer questions and that there are so many ways to reach him. I like and usually prefer classes that meet face-to-face because even though I'm a self starter and motivated I like being told what is due. In the same way I'm a self starter, I'm also slightly a procrastinator. However, one of my favorite things is that the session closes at 10:00 P.M. on Friday requiring me to do my assignments before the weekend. I'm not sure I would take another online class unless it was only offered online, however after this one I'm more apt to take it that I was before.

Thursday, September 24, 2009

ED 205 Blog Post

Awesome video that shows what schools are missing in terms of technology.

Thursday, September 10, 2009


Just checking this out for ED 205!